Klimax Challenge, Sat, 23 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0100, Klimax, Puurs

Discipline: Boulder
Status: Processed

inschrijvingen volzet / inscriptions complètes

Na twee topedities konden we niet anders dan de traditie voortzetten. Ook deze keer leiden 50 parels van boulders naar een spectaculaire finale ! Jeugd (categorie C en B) in de voormiddag. Senioren + A en junioren in de namiddag, met prijzenpot voor het podium. Lokale bio Brusseleir speaker en gezellige party achteraf met de traditionele Duvel !


Jeugd C en B:
8u-9u: Aanmelden
9u-11u30: 50 boulders
12u30: Podium

Senioren, A & Junioren:
12u-13u: Aanmelden
13u-17u: 50 boulders
19u: Finale
21u: Duvelse party!

Eten kan ter plaatse vanaf 17u.

Maximaal 150 inschrijvingen!

Klimax Challenge
Open de bloc
Samedi 23 novembre 2019

Après deux éditions délicieuses, voici la troisième. La tradition dicte que 50 blocs peaufinés mènent vers une finale en feu d’artifice ! Les jeunes (en catégorie C et B) sont les bienvenus le matin. Les seniors + A et juniors l’après-midi. Price money pour le podium. Speaker bio local Brusseleir et petite fiesta autour de la Duvel traditionnelle en soirée !


Jeunes C et B:
8h-9h: Accueil
9h-11h30: 50 blocs
12h30: Podium

Seniors, A & Juniors:
12h-13h: Accueil
13h-17h: 50 blocs
19h: Finale
21h: Duvel fiesta !

Possibilité de manger sur place à partir de 17h.

150 inscriptions au maximum!

Senior Female (Boulder)

Number of competitors: 32

Name Bib number Nat. Team Rem
Maëlys Gillart 301 BEL Stone Climbing Factory
Tinneke Imbo 302 BEL
Silke Dewitte 303 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Silke Baens 304 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Pauline Oury 305 BEL Escal'Pades
Madeline Montignie 306 BEL Maniak Competition Team
Marlies Depraetere 307 BEL Blueberry Club
Marleen Hinssen 308 BEL
Marjolein Saelens 309 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Veerle Heyvaert 311 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Lucie Watillon 312 BEL Team Club Alpin Brabant
Lotte De Smedt 314 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Claudine Delsaux 316 BEL CAB Liège /Gecko
Lieselot Saelens 317 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Charlotte Derkoningen 318 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Eva Cuylaerts 321 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Esther Sartiaux 322 BEL Klimclub Hungaria
Daphne De Poorter 323 BEL
Chloé Caulier 324 BEL Stone Climbing Factory
Charlotte Eben 326 GER
Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Liubov Lukina 328 RUS Klimclub Hungaria
Meri Delbroek 329 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Camille De Wit 330 BEL Klimclub Hungaria
Kris Beckers 331 BEL
Joke Pierssens 332 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Annelies Vaganée 333 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Amelie Van Steen 337 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Clémentine Hennecker 339 BEL
Kim De Bie 340 BEL Blok team
Claire Marie 342 Disp

Ronde: Qualification - Routes: Number of competitors: 32

# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Joke Pierssens 332 BVKB - Klimax
2 Esther Sartiaux 322 Klimclub Hungaria
3 Chloé Caulier 324 Stone Climbing Factory
4 Liubov Lukina 328 Klimclub Hungaria
5 Maëlys Gillart 301 Stone Climbing Factory
6 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BVKB - Klimax
7 Madeline Montignie 306 Maniak Competition Team
8 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 Crux Climbing Team
9 Veerle Heyvaert 311 Crux Climbing Team
10 Camille De Wit 330 Klimclub Hungaria
11 Silke Baens 304 Crux Climbing Team
12 Kim De Bie 340 Blok team
13 Charlotte Eben 326
14 Lieselot Saelens 317 BVKB - Klimax
15 Amelie Van Steen 337 BVKB - Klimax
16 Marleen Hinssen 308
17 Claudine Delsaux 316 CAB Liège /Gecko
18 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BVKB - Klimax
19 Silke Dewitte 303 BVKB - Klimax
20 Tinneke Imbo 302
21 Lucie Watillon 312 Team Club Alpin Brabant
22 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BVKB - Klimax
23 Claire Marie 342
24 Kris Beckers 331
25 Marlies Depraetere 307 Blueberry Club
26 Annelies Vaganée 333 BVKB - Klimax
27 Daphne De Poorter 323
28 Lotte De Smedt 314 BVKB - Klimax
29 Pauline Oury 305 Escal'Pades
30 Meri Delbroek 329 Crux Climbing Team
31 Clémentine Hennecker 339
32 Marjolein Saelens 309 BVKB - Klimax
Publication time 23-11-2019 21:21
# Name Bib number Nat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Points Total 1 2 3 4 Total League. Points Team
1 Chloé Caulier 324 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12394.79 # 45 tops T1Z1 T1Z1 T1Z1 T1Z1 4T4 4Z4 100.0 Stone Climbing Factory
2 Pauline Oury 305 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4644.79 # 34 tops T1Z1 T1Z1 T1Z1 T1Z1 4T4 4Z4 80.0 Escal'Pades
3 Lucie Watillon 312 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4694.79 # 34 tops T1Z1 T1Z1 T1Z1 T2Z2 4T5 4Z5 65.0 Team Club Alpin Brabant
4 Cathinka Tilborghs 327 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2394.79 # 29 tops T2Z2 Z3 - - 1T2 2Z5 55.0 BVKB - Klimax
5 Liubov Lukina 328 RUS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2044.79 # 25 tops Z5 Z1 Z1 - 0T0 3Z7 51.0 Klimclub Hungaria
6 Claudine Delsaux 316 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2069.79 # 27 tops Z1 Z1 - - 0T0 2Z2 47.0 CAB Liège /Gecko
7 Madeline Montignie 306 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1819.79 # 26 tops 43.0 Maniak Competition Team
8 Ine van Zegbroeck 320 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1811.46 # 26 tops 40.0 BVKB - Klimax
9 Camille De Wit 330 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1609.54 # 24 tops 37.0 Klimclub Hungaria
10 Maëlys Gillart 301 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1119.79 # 20 tops 34.0 Stone Climbing Factory
11 Clémentine Hennecker 339 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1094.79 # 20 tops 31.0
12 Silke Dewitte 303 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1059.54 # 20 tops 28.0 BVKB - Klimax
13 Kim De Bie 340 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 901.2 # 18 tops 26.0 Blok team
14 Charlotte Eben 326 GER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 803.12 # 17 tops 24.0
15 Marjolein Saelens 309 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 565.35 # 14 tops 21.0 BVKB - Klimax
15 Esther Sartiaux 322 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 565.35 # 14 tops 21.0 Klimclub Hungaria
17 Lieselot Saelens 317 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 561.18 # 14 tops 18.0 BVKB - Klimax
18 Veerle Heyvaert 311 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 521.18 # 13 tops 16.0 Crux Climbing Team
19 Marlies Depraetere 307 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 498.68 # 13 tops 14.0 Blueberry Club
20 Daphne De Poorter 323 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 490.15 # 12 tops 12.0
21 Claire Marie 342 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 454.3 # 11 tops 10.0
22 Joke Pierssens 332 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 448.68 # 12 tops 9.0 BVKB - Klimax
23 Lotte De Smedt 314 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 358.68 # 10 tops 8.0 BVKB - Klimax
24 Marleen Hinssen 308 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 353.23 # 10 tops 7.0
25 Amelie Van Steen 337 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 318.56 # 9 tops 6.0 BVKB - Klimax
26 Meri Delbroek 329 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 311.56 # 9 tops 5.0 Crux Climbing Team
27 Eva Cuylaerts 321 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 275.85 # 8 tops 4.0 BVKB - Klimax
28 Charlotte Derkoningen 318 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 236.06 # 7 tops 3.0 Crux Climbing Team
29 Kris Beckers 331 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 162.73 # 5 tops 2.0
30 Annelies Vaganée 333 BEL 1 1 1 1 1 160.35 # 5 tops 1.0 BVKB - Klimax
31 Silke Baens 304 BEL 1 1 1 1 128.09 # 4 tops 0.0 Crux Climbing Team
32 Tinneke Imbo 302 BEL 1 1 1 1 127.02 # 4 tops 0.0

Youth D/C/B female

The competitionresults are not public.

Senior Male (Boulder)

Number of competitors: 114

Name Bib number Nat. Team Rem
Bert Scholliers 416 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Antoine Kauffmann 517 BEL
Kyan Craen 524 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Harold Peeters 411 BEL
Arno Luypaert 412 BEL Team Club Alpin Brabant
Aiko Herbos 499 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Wim van de Kerkhof 487 NED Crux Climbing Team
Jonas Custers 419 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Arno Waes 497 BEL
Michiel De Bock 441 BEL
David Duerloo 444 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Steffen Lahor 470 BEL
Ioen Delille 466 BEL CAB Liège /Gecko
Danny Verbinnen 443 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Kristof Dedecker 407 BEL
Nathan Schulpen 465 BEL
Koen Reweghs 447 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Matthias Verbert 418 BEL Kajoe
Brent van den Broeck 483 BEL
Dennis Willemoons 480 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Roald Dirickx 401 BEL
Dries Brabants 460 BEL
Dries de Pesseroey 426 BEL City Lizard
Elias van Bruyssel 481 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Emile Cox 409 BEL Kajoe
Florian Castagne 464 BEL
Félix Foret 474 BEL Entre Ciel et Terre
Gert-Jan Soenen 457 NED Blueberry Club
Harry Engelborghs 519 BEL Stone Climbing Factory
Igor Depoorter 518 BEL Klimclub Hungaria
Jasper Cocquyt 463 BEL Blueberry Club
Jasper van Malderen 516 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Jelle Moeyersons 437 BEL
Jens Cloots 513 BEL
Jens Vanhoucke 520 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Jeremy Lombaerts 493 BEL Brussels Monkeys Climbing
Jim Zeimes 468 LUX Escal'Pades
Kevin Mot 485 BEL Brussels Monkeys Climbing
Lionel Bauduin 427 BEL
Luca Ferrari 479 BEL Stone Climbing Factory
Ludovic Perpette 504 BEL
Lukas Geukens 503 BEL
Lukas Saenen 484 BEL Kajoe
Marius Oniga 508 BEL
Mathijs van Gorp 471 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Mats Vancraeynest 453 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Mattias Talloen 459 BEL
Matéo Watelet 432 BEL Brussels Monkeys Climbing
Michael Aelbrecht 482 BEL
Michael Mot 492 BEL Brussels Monkeys Climbing
Nathan Rousselle 467 BEL Escal'Pades
Niels Clymans 523 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Niels Heerwegh 473 BEL City Lizard
Pieter Goedertier 414 BEL Bleau Climbing Team
Rinus Deelen 403 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Robin Andries 511 BEL Team ACCM
Samuel Duron 522 BEL Vertical Thinking
Sander Martens 434 BEL
Sem van den Akker 423 NED Team Kids From The Block
Stan Bettens 410 BEL
Simon Vandenhaute 478 BEL Klimclub Hungaria
Simon de Loose 495 BEL
Steven Cappoen 421 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Stijn de Gang 438 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Sébastien Perpette 515 BEL
Sébastien Quatresooz 454 BEL Team ACCM
Thomas Salakenos 501 BEL Maniak Competition Team
Ties Vancraeynest 506 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Tim Claus 428 BEL
Tim Collier 500 BEL
Vito Di Bernardo 446 ITA
Willy Vermeylen 514 BEL
Yorick Hendrickx 450 BEL
Yothi Claes 477 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Zen Van Dessel 472 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Arno Taekels 510 BEL
Thomas May 402 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Vincent Poth 469 BEL Entre Ciel et Terre
Bram Van Deuren 448 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Christopher van Eijnsbergen 521 BEL Crux Climbing Team
Alexander Claeys Bouuaert 486 BEL
Maxime De Groote 406 BEL
Thomas Pittois 425 BEL
Louis Scheenaerts 429 BEL Brussels Monkeys Climbing
Niels De Maesschalck 489 BEL
Merlin Didier 505 BEL NKBV regio Haaglanden
Olivier de Deken 404 BEL
Tom van de Wouwer 420 BEL
Ignace Debreyne 456 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Florian Delcoigne 488 BEL
Thomas Gettemans 435 BEL
Bart de Hollander 476 BEL
Steven de Hollander 431 BEL
Oscar Derbee 449 BEL
Mathieu Pauwels 462 BEL Maniak Competition Team
Thibaud Michiels 430 BEL
Wandert Vandeputte 436 BEL
Jérôme Dollinger 494 FRA
Arnaud Farcy 502 BEL
Erik Borghans 525 BEL
Eckart Pruijs 526 NED REVOLT
Pierre-Henry Lambert 527 BEL
Jelle Vanhalewijck 529 BEL 3Para
Fenn Spiessens 530 BEL
Jurgen Lis 531 BEL BVKB - Klimax
Sébastien Berthe 532 BEL Escal'Pades
Joren De Wolf 534 NED
Jeremy Simon 532 BEL
Bram Boelens 533 BEL Disp
Fabrice Stephane 535 Disp
Tim De Maziere 536 BEL Disp
Bruno De Meyer 537 BEL Disp
Martin Simon 531 Disp
Bjorn Vandenbilcke 538 BEL Disp

Ronde: Qualification - Routes: Number of competitors: 114

# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Sébastien Quatresooz 454 Team ACCM
2 Dries de Pesseroey 426 City Lizard
3 Jelle Moeyersons 437
4 Zen Van Dessel 472 BVKB - Klimax
5 Nathan Schulpen 465
6 Nathan Rousselle 467 Escal'Pades
7 Rinus Deelen 403 BVKB - Klimax
8 Ignace Debreyne 456 BVKB - Klimax
9 Sébastien Perpette 515
10 Niels De Maesschalck 489
11 Steven Cappoen 421 BVKB - Klimax
12 Gert-Jan Soenen 457 Blueberry Club
13 Félix Foret 474 Entre Ciel et Terre
14 Lukas Geukens 503
15 Florian Castagne 464
16 Robin Andries 511 Team ACCM
17 Thomas Pittois 425
18 Sem van den Akker 423 Team Kids From The Block
19 Thomas Salakenos 501 Maniak Competition Team
20 Jens Cloots 513
21 Steven de Hollander 431
22 Ludovic Perpette 504
23 Jasper van Malderen 516 BVKB - Klimax
24 Bjorn Vandenbilcke 538
25 Bram Van Deuren 448 BVKB - Klimax
26 Luca Ferrari 479 Stone Climbing Factory
27 Jens Vanhoucke 520 BVKB - Klimax
28 Dennis Willemoons 480 Crux Climbing Team
29 Sébastien Berthe 532 Escal'Pades
30 Michiel De Bock 441
31 Joren De Wolf 534
32 Sander Martens 434
33 Jonas Custers 419 Crux Climbing Team
34 Arno Luypaert 412 Team Club Alpin Brabant
35 Ioen Delille 466 CAB Liège /Gecko
36 Thibaud Michiels 430
37 Erik Borghans 525
38 Mathijs van Gorp 471 BVKB - Klimax
39 Tom van de Wouwer 420
40 Arno Waes 497
41 Michael Aelbrecht 482
42 Michael Mot 492 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
43 Pierre-Henry Lambert 527
44 Olivier de Deken 404
45 Martin Simon 531
46 Dries Brabants 460
47 Fabrice Stephane 535
48 Thomas Gettemans 435
49 Lukas Saenen 484 Kajoe
50 Marius Oniga 508
51 Vincent Poth 469 Entre Ciel et Terre
52 Eckart Pruijs 526 REVOLT
53 Arnaud Farcy 502
54 Stan Bettens 410
55 David Duerloo 444 BVKB - Klimax
56 Ties Vancraeynest 506 BVKB - Klimax
57 Matéo Watelet 432 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
58 Jurgen Lis 531 BVKB - Klimax
59 Niels Heerwegh 473 City Lizard
60 Wim van de Kerkhof 487 Crux Climbing Team
61 Matthias Verbert 418 Kajoe
62 Jeremy Lombaerts 493 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
63 Simon de Loose 495
64 Thomas May 402 BVKB - Klimax
65 Samuel Duron 522 Vertical Thinking
66 Oscar Derbee 449
67 Harold Peeters 411
68 Vito Di Bernardo 446
69 Maxime De Groote 406
70 Bart de Hollander 476
71 Bram Boelens 533
72 Danny Verbinnen 443 Crux Climbing Team
73 Niels Clymans 523 BVKB - Klimax
74 Tim De Maziere 536
75 Stijn de Gang 438 BVKB - Klimax
76 Kevin Mot 485 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
77 Koen Reweghs 447 Crux Climbing Team
78 Aiko Herbos 499 BVKB - Klimax
79 Igor Depoorter 518 Klimclub Hungaria
80 Bruno De Meyer 537
81 Wandert Vandeputte 436
82 Arno Taekels 510
83 Antoine Kauffmann 517
84 Yorick Hendrickx 450
85 Pieter Goedertier 414 Bleau Climbing Team
86 Louis Scheenaerts 429 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
87 Tim Claus 428
88 Bert Scholliers 416 BVKB - Klimax
89 Merlin Didier 505 NKBV regio Haaglanden
90 Tim Collier 500
91 Alexander Claeys Bouuaert 486
92 Roald Dirickx 401
93 Harry Engelborghs 519 Stone Climbing Factory
94 Emile Cox 409 Kajoe
95 Fenn Spiessens 530
96 Kyan Craen 524 BVKB - Klimax
97 Mathieu Pauwels 462 Maniak Competition Team
98 Steffen Lahor 470
99 Mats Vancraeynest 453 BVKB - Klimax
100 Elias van Bruyssel 481 BVKB - Klimax
101 Jeremy Simon 532
102 Jasper Cocquyt 463 Blueberry Club
103 Brent van den Broeck 483
104 Kristof Dedecker 407
105 Jelle Vanhalewijck 529 3Para
106 Christopher van Eijnsbergen 521 Crux Climbing Team
107 Lionel Bauduin 427
108 Yothi Claes 477 BVKB - Klimax
109 Jérôme Dollinger 494
110 Simon Vandenhaute 478 Klimclub Hungaria
111 Jim Zeimes 468 Escal'Pades
112 Mattias Talloen 459
113 Florian Delcoigne 488
114 Willy Vermeylen 514
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Sébastien Quatresooz 454 Team ACCM
2 Dries de Pesseroey 426 City Lizard
3 Jelle Moeyersons 437
4 Zen Van Dessel 472 BVKB - Klimax
5 Nathan Schulpen 465
6 Nathan Rousselle 467 Escal'Pades
7 Rinus Deelen 403 BVKB - Klimax
8 Ignace Debreyne 456 BVKB - Klimax
9 Sébastien Perpette 515
10 Niels De Maesschalck 489
11 Steven Cappoen 421 BVKB - Klimax
12 Gert-Jan Soenen 457 Blueberry Club
13 Félix Foret 474 Entre Ciel et Terre
14 Lukas Geukens 503
15 Florian Castagne 464
16 Robin Andries 511 Team ACCM
17 Thomas Pittois 425
18 Sem van den Akker 423 Team Kids From The Block
19 Thomas Salakenos 501 Maniak Competition Team
20 Jens Cloots 513
21 Steven de Hollander 431
22 Ludovic Perpette 504
23 Jasper van Malderen 516 BVKB - Klimax
24 Bjorn Vandenbilcke 538
25 Bram Van Deuren 448 BVKB - Klimax
26 Luca Ferrari 479 Stone Climbing Factory
27 Jens Vanhoucke 520 BVKB - Klimax
28 Dennis Willemoons 480 Crux Climbing Team
29 Sébastien Berthe 532 Escal'Pades
30 Michiel De Bock 441
31 Joren De Wolf 534
32 Sander Martens 434
33 Jonas Custers 419 Crux Climbing Team
34 Arno Luypaert 412 Team Club Alpin Brabant
35 Ioen Delille 466 CAB Liège /Gecko
36 Thibaud Michiels 430
37 Erik Borghans 525
38 Mathijs van Gorp 471 BVKB - Klimax
39 Tom van de Wouwer 420
40 Arno Waes 497
41 Michael Aelbrecht 482
42 Michael Mot 492 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
43 Pierre-Henry Lambert 527
44 Olivier de Deken 404
45 Martin Simon 531
46 Dries Brabants 460
47 Fabrice Stephane 535
48 Thomas Gettemans 435
49 Lukas Saenen 484 Kajoe
50 Marius Oniga 508
51 Vincent Poth 469 Entre Ciel et Terre
52 Eckart Pruijs 526 REVOLT
53 Arnaud Farcy 502
54 Stan Bettens 410
55 David Duerloo 444 BVKB - Klimax
56 Ties Vancraeynest 506 BVKB - Klimax
57 Matéo Watelet 432 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
58 Jurgen Lis 531 BVKB - Klimax
59 Niels Heerwegh 473 City Lizard
60 Wim van de Kerkhof 487 Crux Climbing Team
61 Matthias Verbert 418 Kajoe
62 Jeremy Lombaerts 493 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
63 Simon de Loose 495
64 Thomas May 402 BVKB - Klimax
65 Samuel Duron 522 Vertical Thinking
66 Oscar Derbee 449
67 Harold Peeters 411
68 Vito Di Bernardo 446
69 Maxime De Groote 406
70 Bart de Hollander 476
71 Bram Boelens 533
72 Danny Verbinnen 443 Crux Climbing Team
73 Niels Clymans 523 BVKB - Klimax
74 Tim De Maziere 536
75 Stijn de Gang 438 BVKB - Klimax
76 Kevin Mot 485 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
77 Koen Reweghs 447 Crux Climbing Team
78 Aiko Herbos 499 BVKB - Klimax
79 Igor Depoorter 518 Klimclub Hungaria
80 Bruno De Meyer 537
81 Wandert Vandeputte 436
82 Arno Taekels 510
83 Antoine Kauffmann 517
84 Yorick Hendrickx 450
85 Pieter Goedertier 414 Bleau Climbing Team
86 Louis Scheenaerts 429 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
87 Tim Claus 428
88 Bert Scholliers 416 BVKB - Klimax
89 Merlin Didier 505 NKBV regio Haaglanden
90 Tim Collier 500
91 Alexander Claeys Bouuaert 486
92 Roald Dirickx 401
93 Harry Engelborghs 519 Stone Climbing Factory
94 Emile Cox 409 Kajoe
95 Fenn Spiessens 530
96 Kyan Craen 524 BVKB - Klimax
97 Mathieu Pauwels 462 Maniak Competition Team
98 Steffen Lahor 470
99 Mats Vancraeynest 453 BVKB - Klimax
100 Elias van Bruyssel 481 BVKB - Klimax
101 Jeremy Simon 532
102 Jasper Cocquyt 463 Blueberry Club
103 Brent van den Broeck 483
104 Kristof Dedecker 407
105 Jelle Vanhalewijck 529 3Para
106 Christopher van Eijnsbergen 521 Crux Climbing Team
107 Lionel Bauduin 427
108 Yothi Claes 477 BVKB - Klimax
109 Jérôme Dollinger 494
110 Simon Vandenhaute 478 Klimclub Hungaria
111 Jim Zeimes 468 Escal'Pades
112 Mattias Talloen 459
113 Florian Delcoigne 488
114 Willy Vermeylen 514
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Sébastien Quatresooz 454 Team ACCM
2 Dries de Pesseroey 426 City Lizard
3 Jelle Moeyersons 437
4 Zen Van Dessel 472 BVKB - Klimax
5 Nathan Schulpen 465
6 Nathan Rousselle 467 Escal'Pades
7 Rinus Deelen 403 BVKB - Klimax
8 Ignace Debreyne 456 BVKB - Klimax
9 Sébastien Perpette 515
10 Niels De Maesschalck 489
11 Steven Cappoen 421 BVKB - Klimax
12 Gert-Jan Soenen 457 Blueberry Club
13 Félix Foret 474 Entre Ciel et Terre
14 Lukas Geukens 503
15 Florian Castagne 464
16 Robin Andries 511 Team ACCM
17 Thomas Pittois 425
18 Sem van den Akker 423 Team Kids From The Block
19 Thomas Salakenos 501 Maniak Competition Team
20 Jens Cloots 513
21 Steven de Hollander 431
22 Ludovic Perpette 504
23 Jasper van Malderen 516 BVKB - Klimax
24 Bjorn Vandenbilcke 538
25 Bram Van Deuren 448 BVKB - Klimax
26 Luca Ferrari 479 Stone Climbing Factory
27 Jens Vanhoucke 520 BVKB - Klimax
28 Dennis Willemoons 480 Crux Climbing Team
29 Sébastien Berthe 532 Escal'Pades
30 Michiel De Bock 441
31 Joren De Wolf 534
32 Sander Martens 434
33 Jonas Custers 419 Crux Climbing Team
34 Arno Luypaert 412 Team Club Alpin Brabant
35 Ioen Delille 466 CAB Liège /Gecko
36 Thibaud Michiels 430
37 Erik Borghans 525
38 Mathijs van Gorp 471 BVKB - Klimax
39 Tom van de Wouwer 420
40 Arno Waes 497
41 Michael Aelbrecht 482
42 Michael Mot 492 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
43 Pierre-Henry Lambert 527
44 Olivier de Deken 404
45 Martin Simon 531
46 Dries Brabants 460
47 Fabrice Stephane 535
48 Thomas Gettemans 435
49 Lukas Saenen 484 Kajoe
50 Marius Oniga 508
51 Vincent Poth 469 Entre Ciel et Terre
52 Eckart Pruijs 526 REVOLT
53 Arnaud Farcy 502
54 Stan Bettens 410
55 David Duerloo 444 BVKB - Klimax
56 Ties Vancraeynest 506 BVKB - Klimax
57 Matéo Watelet 432 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
58 Jurgen Lis 531 BVKB - Klimax
59 Niels Heerwegh 473 City Lizard
60 Wim van de Kerkhof 487 Crux Climbing Team
61 Matthias Verbert 418 Kajoe
62 Jeremy Lombaerts 493 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
63 Simon de Loose 495
64 Thomas May 402 BVKB - Klimax
65 Samuel Duron 522 Vertical Thinking
66 Oscar Derbee 449
67 Harold Peeters 411
68 Vito Di Bernardo 446
69 Maxime De Groote 406
70 Bart de Hollander 476
71 Bram Boelens 533
72 Danny Verbinnen 443 Crux Climbing Team
73 Niels Clymans 523 BVKB - Klimax
74 Tim De Maziere 536
75 Stijn de Gang 438 BVKB - Klimax
76 Kevin Mot 485 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
77 Koen Reweghs 447 Crux Climbing Team
78 Aiko Herbos 499 BVKB - Klimax
79 Igor Depoorter 518 Klimclub Hungaria
80 Bruno De Meyer 537
81 Wandert Vandeputte 436
82 Arno Taekels 510
83 Antoine Kauffmann 517
84 Yorick Hendrickx 450
85 Pieter Goedertier 414 Bleau Climbing Team
86 Louis Scheenaerts 429 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
87 Tim Claus 428
88 Bert Scholliers 416 BVKB - Klimax
89 Merlin Didier 505 NKBV regio Haaglanden
90 Tim Collier 500
91 Alexander Claeys Bouuaert 486
92 Roald Dirickx 401
93 Harry Engelborghs 519 Stone Climbing Factory
94 Emile Cox 409 Kajoe
95 Fenn Spiessens 530
96 Kyan Craen 524 BVKB - Klimax
97 Mathieu Pauwels 462 Maniak Competition Team
98 Steffen Lahor 470
99 Mats Vancraeynest 453 BVKB - Klimax
100 Elias van Bruyssel 481 BVKB - Klimax
101 Jeremy Simon 532
102 Jasper Cocquyt 463 Blueberry Club
103 Brent van den Broeck 483
104 Kristof Dedecker 407
105 Jelle Vanhalewijck 529 3Para
106 Christopher van Eijnsbergen 521 Crux Climbing Team
107 Lionel Bauduin 427
108 Yothi Claes 477 BVKB - Klimax
109 Jérôme Dollinger 494
110 Simon Vandenhaute 478 Klimclub Hungaria
111 Jim Zeimes 468 Escal'Pades
112 Mattias Talloen 459
113 Florian Delcoigne 488
114 Willy Vermeylen 514
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Sébastien Quatresooz 454 Team ACCM
2 Dries de Pesseroey 426 City Lizard
3 Jelle Moeyersons 437
4 Zen Van Dessel 472 BVKB - Klimax
5 Nathan Schulpen 465
6 Nathan Rousselle 467 Escal'Pades
7 Rinus Deelen 403 BVKB - Klimax
8 Ignace Debreyne 456 BVKB - Klimax
9 Sébastien Perpette 515
10 Niels De Maesschalck 489
11 Steven Cappoen 421 BVKB - Klimax
12 Gert-Jan Soenen 457 Blueberry Club
13 Félix Foret 474 Entre Ciel et Terre
14 Lukas Geukens 503
15 Florian Castagne 464
16 Robin Andries 511 Team ACCM
17 Thomas Pittois 425
18 Sem van den Akker 423 Team Kids From The Block
19 Thomas Salakenos 501 Maniak Competition Team
20 Jens Cloots 513
21 Steven de Hollander 431
22 Ludovic Perpette 504
23 Jasper van Malderen 516 BVKB - Klimax
24 Bjorn Vandenbilcke 538
25 Bram Van Deuren 448 BVKB - Klimax
26 Luca Ferrari 479 Stone Climbing Factory
27 Jens Vanhoucke 520 BVKB - Klimax
28 Dennis Willemoons 480 Crux Climbing Team
29 Sébastien Berthe 532 Escal'Pades
30 Michiel De Bock 441
31 Joren De Wolf 534
32 Sander Martens 434
33 Jonas Custers 419 Crux Climbing Team
34 Arno Luypaert 412 Team Club Alpin Brabant
35 Ioen Delille 466 CAB Liège /Gecko
36 Thibaud Michiels 430
37 Erik Borghans 525
38 Mathijs van Gorp 471 BVKB - Klimax
39 Tom van de Wouwer 420
40 Arno Waes 497
41 Michael Aelbrecht 482
42 Michael Mot 492 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
43 Pierre-Henry Lambert 527
44 Olivier de Deken 404
45 Martin Simon 531
46 Dries Brabants 460
47 Fabrice Stephane 535
48 Thomas Gettemans 435
49 Lukas Saenen 484 Kajoe
50 Marius Oniga 508
51 Vincent Poth 469 Entre Ciel et Terre
52 Eckart Pruijs 526 REVOLT
53 Arnaud Farcy 502
54 Stan Bettens 410
55 David Duerloo 444 BVKB - Klimax
56 Ties Vancraeynest 506 BVKB - Klimax
57 Matéo Watelet 432 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
58 Jurgen Lis 531 BVKB - Klimax
59 Niels Heerwegh 473 City Lizard
60 Wim van de Kerkhof 487 Crux Climbing Team
61 Matthias Verbert 418 Kajoe
62 Jeremy Lombaerts 493 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
63 Simon de Loose 495
64 Thomas May 402 BVKB - Klimax
65 Samuel Duron 522 Vertical Thinking
66 Oscar Derbee 449
67 Harold Peeters 411
68 Vito Di Bernardo 446
69 Maxime De Groote 406
70 Bart de Hollander 476
71 Bram Boelens 533
72 Danny Verbinnen 443 Crux Climbing Team
73 Niels Clymans 523 BVKB - Klimax
74 Tim De Maziere 536
75 Stijn de Gang 438 BVKB - Klimax
76 Kevin Mot 485 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
77 Koen Reweghs 447 Crux Climbing Team
78 Aiko Herbos 499 BVKB - Klimax
79 Igor Depoorter 518 Klimclub Hungaria
80 Bruno De Meyer 537
81 Wandert Vandeputte 436
82 Arno Taekels 510
83 Antoine Kauffmann 517
84 Yorick Hendrickx 450
85 Pieter Goedertier 414 Bleau Climbing Team
86 Louis Scheenaerts 429 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
87 Tim Claus 428
88 Bert Scholliers 416 BVKB - Klimax
89 Merlin Didier 505 NKBV regio Haaglanden
90 Tim Collier 500
91 Alexander Claeys Bouuaert 486
92 Roald Dirickx 401
93 Harry Engelborghs 519 Stone Climbing Factory
94 Emile Cox 409 Kajoe
95 Fenn Spiessens 530
96 Kyan Craen 524 BVKB - Klimax
97 Mathieu Pauwels 462 Maniak Competition Team
98 Steffen Lahor 470
99 Mats Vancraeynest 453 BVKB - Klimax
100 Elias van Bruyssel 481 BVKB - Klimax
101 Jeremy Simon 532
102 Jasper Cocquyt 463 Blueberry Club
103 Brent van den Broeck 483
104 Kristof Dedecker 407
105 Jelle Vanhalewijck 529 3Para
106 Christopher van Eijnsbergen 521 Crux Climbing Team
107 Lionel Bauduin 427
108 Yothi Claes 477 BVKB - Klimax
109 Jérôme Dollinger 494
110 Simon Vandenhaute 478 Klimclub Hungaria
111 Jim Zeimes 468 Escal'Pades
112 Mattias Talloen 459
113 Florian Delcoigne 488
114 Willy Vermeylen 514
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Sébastien Quatresooz 454 Team ACCM
2 Dries de Pesseroey 426 City Lizard
3 Jelle Moeyersons 437
4 Zen Van Dessel 472 BVKB - Klimax
5 Nathan Schulpen 465
6 Nathan Rousselle 467 Escal'Pades
7 Rinus Deelen 403 BVKB - Klimax
8 Ignace Debreyne 456 BVKB - Klimax
9 Sébastien Perpette 515
10 Niels De Maesschalck 489
11 Steven Cappoen 421 BVKB - Klimax
12 Gert-Jan Soenen 457 Blueberry Club
13 Félix Foret 474 Entre Ciel et Terre
14 Lukas Geukens 503
15 Florian Castagne 464
16 Robin Andries 511 Team ACCM
17 Thomas Pittois 425
18 Sem van den Akker 423 Team Kids From The Block
19 Thomas Salakenos 501 Maniak Competition Team
20 Jens Cloots 513
21 Steven de Hollander 431
22 Ludovic Perpette 504
23 Jasper van Malderen 516 BVKB - Klimax
24 Bjorn Vandenbilcke 538
25 Bram Van Deuren 448 BVKB - Klimax
26 Luca Ferrari 479 Stone Climbing Factory
27 Jens Vanhoucke 520 BVKB - Klimax
28 Dennis Willemoons 480 Crux Climbing Team
29 Sébastien Berthe 532 Escal'Pades
30 Michiel De Bock 441
31 Joren De Wolf 534
32 Sander Martens 434
33 Jonas Custers 419 Crux Climbing Team
34 Arno Luypaert 412 Team Club Alpin Brabant
35 Ioen Delille 466 CAB Liège /Gecko
36 Thibaud Michiels 430
37 Erik Borghans 525
38 Mathijs van Gorp 471 BVKB - Klimax
39 Tom van de Wouwer 420
40 Arno Waes 497
41 Michael Aelbrecht 482
42 Michael Mot 492 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
43 Pierre-Henry Lambert 527
44 Olivier de Deken 404
45 Martin Simon 531
46 Dries Brabants 460
47 Fabrice Stephane 535
48 Thomas Gettemans 435
49 Lukas Saenen 484 Kajoe
50 Marius Oniga 508
51 Vincent Poth 469 Entre Ciel et Terre
52 Eckart Pruijs 526 REVOLT
53 Arnaud Farcy 502
54 Stan Bettens 410
55 David Duerloo 444 BVKB - Klimax
56 Ties Vancraeynest 506 BVKB - Klimax
57 Matéo Watelet 432 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
58 Jurgen Lis 531 BVKB - Klimax
59 Niels Heerwegh 473 City Lizard
60 Wim van de Kerkhof 487 Crux Climbing Team
61 Matthias Verbert 418 Kajoe
62 Jeremy Lombaerts 493 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
63 Simon de Loose 495
64 Thomas May 402 BVKB - Klimax
65 Samuel Duron 522 Vertical Thinking
66 Oscar Derbee 449
67 Harold Peeters 411
68 Vito Di Bernardo 446
69 Maxime De Groote 406
70 Bart de Hollander 476
71 Bram Boelens 533
72 Danny Verbinnen 443 Crux Climbing Team
73 Niels Clymans 523 BVKB - Klimax
74 Tim De Maziere 536
75 Stijn de Gang 438 BVKB - Klimax
76 Kevin Mot 485 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
77 Koen Reweghs 447 Crux Climbing Team
78 Aiko Herbos 499 BVKB - Klimax
79 Igor Depoorter 518 Klimclub Hungaria
80 Bruno De Meyer 537
81 Wandert Vandeputte 436
82 Arno Taekels 510
83 Antoine Kauffmann 517
84 Yorick Hendrickx 450
85 Pieter Goedertier 414 Bleau Climbing Team
86 Louis Scheenaerts 429 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
87 Tim Claus 428
88 Bert Scholliers 416 BVKB - Klimax
89 Merlin Didier 505 NKBV regio Haaglanden
90 Tim Collier 500
91 Alexander Claeys Bouuaert 486
92 Roald Dirickx 401
93 Harry Engelborghs 519 Stone Climbing Factory
94 Emile Cox 409 Kajoe
95 Fenn Spiessens 530
96 Kyan Craen 524 BVKB - Klimax
97 Mathieu Pauwels 462 Maniak Competition Team
98 Steffen Lahor 470
99 Mats Vancraeynest 453 BVKB - Klimax
100 Elias van Bruyssel 481 BVKB - Klimax
101 Jeremy Simon 532
102 Jasper Cocquyt 463 Blueberry Club
103 Brent van den Broeck 483
104 Kristof Dedecker 407
105 Jelle Vanhalewijck 529 3Para
106 Christopher van Eijnsbergen 521 Crux Climbing Team
107 Lionel Bauduin 427
108 Yothi Claes 477 BVKB - Klimax
109 Jérôme Dollinger 494
110 Simon Vandenhaute 478 Klimclub Hungaria
111 Jim Zeimes 468 Escal'Pades
112 Mattias Talloen 459
113 Florian Delcoigne 488
114 Willy Vermeylen 514
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Sébastien Quatresooz 454 Team ACCM
2 Dries de Pesseroey 426 City Lizard
3 Jelle Moeyersons 437
4 Zen Van Dessel 472 BVKB - Klimax
5 Nathan Schulpen 465
6 Nathan Rousselle 467 Escal'Pades
7 Rinus Deelen 403 BVKB - Klimax
8 Ignace Debreyne 456 BVKB - Klimax
9 Sébastien Perpette 515
10 Niels De Maesschalck 489
11 Steven Cappoen 421 BVKB - Klimax
12 Gert-Jan Soenen 457 Blueberry Club
13 Félix Foret 474 Entre Ciel et Terre
14 Lukas Geukens 503
15 Florian Castagne 464
16 Robin Andries 511 Team ACCM
17 Thomas Pittois 425
18 Sem van den Akker 423 Team Kids From The Block
19 Thomas Salakenos 501 Maniak Competition Team
20 Jens Cloots 513
21 Steven de Hollander 431
22 Ludovic Perpette 504
23 Jasper van Malderen 516 BVKB - Klimax
24 Bjorn Vandenbilcke 538
25 Bram Van Deuren 448 BVKB - Klimax
26 Luca Ferrari 479 Stone Climbing Factory
27 Jens Vanhoucke 520 BVKB - Klimax
28 Dennis Willemoons 480 Crux Climbing Team
29 Sébastien Berthe 532 Escal'Pades
30 Michiel De Bock 441
31 Joren De Wolf 534
32 Sander Martens 434
33 Jonas Custers 419 Crux Climbing Team
34 Arno Luypaert 412 Team Club Alpin Brabant
35 Ioen Delille 466 CAB Liège /Gecko
36 Thibaud Michiels 430
37 Erik Borghans 525
38 Mathijs van Gorp 471 BVKB - Klimax
39 Tom van de Wouwer 420
40 Arno Waes 497
41 Michael Aelbrecht 482
42 Michael Mot 492 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
43 Pierre-Henry Lambert 527
44 Olivier de Deken 404
45 Martin Simon 531
46 Dries Brabants 460
47 Fabrice Stephane 535
48 Thomas Gettemans 435
49 Lukas Saenen 484 Kajoe
50 Marius Oniga 508
51 Vincent Poth 469 Entre Ciel et Terre
52 Eckart Pruijs 526 REVOLT
53 Arnaud Farcy 502
54 Stan Bettens 410
55 David Duerloo 444 BVKB - Klimax
56 Ties Vancraeynest 506 BVKB - Klimax
57 Matéo Watelet 432 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
58 Jurgen Lis 531 BVKB - Klimax
59 Niels Heerwegh 473 City Lizard
60 Wim van de Kerkhof 487 Crux Climbing Team
61 Matthias Verbert 418 Kajoe
62 Jeremy Lombaerts 493 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
63 Simon de Loose 495
64 Thomas May 402 BVKB - Klimax
65 Samuel Duron 522 Vertical Thinking
66 Oscar Derbee 449
67 Harold Peeters 411
68 Vito Di Bernardo 446
69 Maxime De Groote 406
70 Bart de Hollander 476
71 Bram Boelens 533
72 Danny Verbinnen 443 Crux Climbing Team
73 Niels Clymans 523 BVKB - Klimax
74 Tim De Maziere 536
75 Stijn de Gang 438 BVKB - Klimax
76 Kevin Mot 485 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
77 Koen Reweghs 447 Crux Climbing Team
78 Aiko Herbos 499 BVKB - Klimax
79 Igor Depoorter 518 Klimclub Hungaria
80 Bruno De Meyer 537
81 Wandert Vandeputte 436
82 Arno Taekels 510
83 Antoine Kauffmann 517
84 Yorick Hendrickx 450
85 Pieter Goedertier 414 Bleau Climbing Team
86 Louis Scheenaerts 429 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
87 Tim Claus 428
88 Bert Scholliers 416 BVKB - Klimax
89 Merlin Didier 505 NKBV regio Haaglanden
90 Tim Collier 500
91 Alexander Claeys Bouuaert 486
92 Roald Dirickx 401
93 Harry Engelborghs 519 Stone Climbing Factory
94 Emile Cox 409 Kajoe
95 Fenn Spiessens 530
96 Kyan Craen 524 BVKB - Klimax
97 Mathieu Pauwels 462 Maniak Competition Team
98 Steffen Lahor 470
99 Mats Vancraeynest 453 BVKB - Klimax
100 Elias van Bruyssel 481 BVKB - Klimax
101 Jeremy Simon 532
102 Jasper Cocquyt 463 Blueberry Club
103 Brent van den Broeck 483
104 Kristof Dedecker 407
105 Jelle Vanhalewijck 529 3Para
106 Christopher van Eijnsbergen 521 Crux Climbing Team
107 Lionel Bauduin 427
108 Yothi Claes 477 BVKB - Klimax
109 Jérôme Dollinger 494
110 Simon Vandenhaute 478 Klimclub Hungaria
111 Jim Zeimes 468 Escal'Pades
112 Mattias Talloen 459
113 Florian Delcoigne 488
114 Willy Vermeylen 514
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Sébastien Quatresooz 454 Team ACCM
2 Dries de Pesseroey 426 City Lizard
3 Jelle Moeyersons 437
4 Zen Van Dessel 472 BVKB - Klimax
5 Nathan Schulpen 465
6 Nathan Rousselle 467 Escal'Pades
7 Rinus Deelen 403 BVKB - Klimax
8 Ignace Debreyne 456 BVKB - Klimax
9 Sébastien Perpette 515
10 Niels De Maesschalck 489
11 Steven Cappoen 421 BVKB - Klimax
12 Gert-Jan Soenen 457 Blueberry Club
13 Félix Foret 474 Entre Ciel et Terre
14 Lukas Geukens 503
15 Florian Castagne 464
16 Robin Andries 511 Team ACCM
17 Thomas Pittois 425
18 Sem van den Akker 423 Team Kids From The Block
19 Thomas Salakenos 501 Maniak Competition Team
20 Jens Cloots 513
21 Steven de Hollander 431
22 Ludovic Perpette 504
23 Jasper van Malderen 516 BVKB - Klimax
24 Bjorn Vandenbilcke 538
25 Bram Van Deuren 448 BVKB - Klimax
26 Luca Ferrari 479 Stone Climbing Factory
27 Jens Vanhoucke 520 BVKB - Klimax
28 Dennis Willemoons 480 Crux Climbing Team
29 Sébastien Berthe 532 Escal'Pades
30 Michiel De Bock 441
31 Joren De Wolf 534
32 Sander Martens 434
33 Jonas Custers 419 Crux Climbing Team
34 Arno Luypaert 412 Team Club Alpin Brabant
35 Ioen Delille 466 CAB Liège /Gecko
36 Thibaud Michiels 430
37 Erik Borghans 525
38 Mathijs van Gorp 471 BVKB - Klimax
39 Tom van de Wouwer 420
40 Arno Waes 497
41 Michael Aelbrecht 482
42 Michael Mot 492 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
43 Pierre-Henry Lambert 527
44 Olivier de Deken 404
45 Martin Simon 531
46 Dries Brabants 460
47 Fabrice Stephane 535
48 Thomas Gettemans 435
49 Lukas Saenen 484 Kajoe
50 Marius Oniga 508
51 Vincent Poth 469 Entre Ciel et Terre
52 Eckart Pruijs 526 REVOLT
53 Arnaud Farcy 502
54 Stan Bettens 410
55 David Duerloo 444 BVKB - Klimax
56 Ties Vancraeynest 506 BVKB - Klimax
57 Matéo Watelet 432 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
58 Jurgen Lis 531 BVKB - Klimax
59 Niels Heerwegh 473 City Lizard
60 Wim van de Kerkhof 487 Crux Climbing Team
61 Matthias Verbert 418 Kajoe
62 Jeremy Lombaerts 493 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
63 Simon de Loose 495
64 Thomas May 402 BVKB - Klimax
65 Samuel Duron 522 Vertical Thinking
66 Oscar Derbee 449
67 Harold Peeters 411
68 Vito Di Bernardo 446
69 Maxime De Groote 406
70 Bart de Hollander 476
71 Bram Boelens 533
72 Danny Verbinnen 443 Crux Climbing Team
73 Niels Clymans 523 BVKB - Klimax
74 Tim De Maziere 536
75 Stijn de Gang 438 BVKB - Klimax
76 Kevin Mot 485 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
77 Koen Reweghs 447 Crux Climbing Team
78 Aiko Herbos 499 BVKB - Klimax
79 Igor Depoorter 518 Klimclub Hungaria
80 Bruno De Meyer 537
81 Wandert Vandeputte 436
82 Arno Taekels 510
83 Antoine Kauffmann 517
84 Yorick Hendrickx 450
85 Pieter Goedertier 414 Bleau Climbing Team
86 Louis Scheenaerts 429 Brussels Monkeys Climbing
87 Tim Claus 428
88 Bert Scholliers 416 BVKB - Klimax
89 Merlin Didier 505 NKBV regio Haaglanden
90 Tim Collier 500
91 Alexander Claeys Bouuaert 486
92 Roald Dirickx 401
93 Harry Engelborghs 519 Stone Climbing Factory
94 Emile Cox 409 Kajoe
95 Fenn Spiessens 530
96 Kyan Craen 524 BVKB - Klimax
97 Mathieu Pauwels 462 Maniak Competition Team
98 Steffen Lahor 470
99 Mats Vancraeynest 453 BVKB - Klimax
100 Elias van Bruyssel 481 BVKB - Klimax
101 Jeremy Simon 532
102 Jasper Cocquyt 463 Blueberry Club
103 Brent van den Broeck 483
104 Kristof Dedecker 407
105 Jelle Vanhalewijck 529 3Para
106 Christopher van Eijnsbergen 521 Crux Climbing Team
107 Lionel Bauduin 427
108 Yothi Claes 477 BVKB - Klimax
109 Jérôme Dollinger 494
110 Simon Vandenhaute 478 Klimclub Hungaria
111 Jim Zeimes 468 Escal'Pades
112 Mattias Talloen 459
113 Florian Delcoigne 488
114 Willy Vermeylen 514
# Name Bib number Nat. Team
1 Sébastien Quatresooz 454 Team ACCM
2 Dries de Pesseroey 426 City Lizard
3 Jelle Moeyersons 437
4 Zen Van Dessel 472 BVKB - Klimax
5 Nathan Schulpen 465
6 Nathan Rousselle 467 Escal'Pades
7 Rinus Deelen 403 BVKB - Klimax
8 Ignace Debreyne 456 BVKB - Klimax
9 Sébastien Perpette 515
10 Niels De Maesschalck 489
11 Steven Cappoen 421 BVKB - Klimax
12 Gert-Jan Soenen 457 Blueberry Club