Belgian Lead 2025, Sun, 23 Feb 2025 11:00:00 +0100, Klimax, Puurs

Discipline: Lead
Status: Registration closed



Vrijhalsweg 17, 2870 Puurs-Sint-Amands

The competition consists of a qualifying round with two flash lead routes and an on-sight final route.

A seperate subcategory of female/male

The "Veterans" category does compete in a Masters competition, but do not get granted the official title of "Belgian Champion".

10:00 gym opens
11:00 - 11:30 registrations
11:30 briefing
12:00 Start qualifications
18:30 finals



Jury President : Ruben Janssens
Result Service:  Dave Suetens

Setters for BLY and BL
Chief Route Setter: Florian Gourgue
Assistant RS: Cedric Claert
Route Setters: Gil Van den Eynde, Jasper Cocquyt, Nikki Van Bergen, Arlen Strengers

Number of competitors: 17

Name Bib number Nat. Team
Matti Debelle BEL BVKB - Klimax
Celine Cuypers BEL
Nele Vermeeren BEL BVKB - Klimax
Gladys de Vocht BEL Le Camp de Base - LC4
Lynn van der Meer NED
Héloïse Doumont BEL Team BeBloc - EEN
Noor Witte NED
Lucie Watillon BEL Le Camp de Base - LC4
Perrine Alardin BEL Le Camp de Base - LC4
Leonie Lenz BEL BVKB - Klimax
Joke Pierssens BEL BVKB - Klimax
Marjolein Béatse BEL BVKB - Klimax
Morgane Daele BEL New Rock / EEA
Fran Goossens BEL Bleau Climbing Team
Silke Dewitte BEL BVKB - Klimax
Sophie De Lorenzo BEL BVKB - Klimax
Marjolein Saelens BEL BVKB - Klimax
No preliminary results yet
No registrations yet
No preliminary results yet

Number of competitors: 24

Name Bib number Nat. Team
Julien Ameye BEL Blueberry Club
Nicolas Collin BEL Le Camp de Base - LC4
Arno Luypaert BEL Bleau Climbing Team
Stijn de Gang BEL BVKB - Klimax
Nathan Rousselle BEL Le Camp de Base - LC4
Moray Sam BEL
Hugo Zaffuto BEL The Wall
Luuk Spaargaren NED Team Mountain Network
Lucas Bérail FRA Le Camp de Base - LC4
Javier Paredes Ramos ESP
Corentin Laporte BEL Le Camp de Base - LC4
Hannes van Duysen BEL Le Camp de Base - LC4
Ties Vancraeynest BEL BVKB - Klimax
Laurent Neuser LUX
Antonin Lüthi BEL Le Camp de Base - LC4
Ferre Huylebroek BEL Rhino
Mathijs van Gorp BEL Blok team
Miel Seys BEL BVKB - Klimax
Jens Vanhoucke BEL BVKB - Klimax
Noa Parotte BEL
Jim Zeimes LUX Escal'Pades
Kasper Tallon BEL Klimclub Hungaria
Tristan Noels BEL Klimclub Hungaria
Eitan Rozas USA Le Camp de Base - LC4
No preliminary results yet

Number of competitors: 4

Name Bib number Nat. Team
Kristof Dedecker BEL BVKB - Klimax
Jurgen Lis BEL BVKB - Klimax
Lee Van der Meulen BEL BVKB - Klimax
Steven Cappoen BEL BVKB - Klimax
No preliminary results yet

U21 Women

No results yet

U21 Men

No results yet

Team Results

No team results